Valkyre App Style WP Theme
Theme: Wordpress Price : $45Valkyre is a gridless fullscreen template built over HTML5 and CSS3. This theme is best suited for mobile Apps, creative designers, agencies and portfolio websites.
- Responsive and Retina Ready
- Gridless Fullwidth liquid template
- CSS3 animations ( in view )
- Compatible with WordPress 3.6
- 15 Page Templates
- All Clients Template
- All Testimonials Template
- Unique Fullscreen PAGE SLIDE effect
- Live Theme Customizer
- Change any theme element background/color Live
- Change/Setup Background Image/Color
- Adjust Font Sizes
- Change all Font family/styles from 600+ Google fonts
- Change font colors
- Import/Export Customizer settings.
- ShortCode Generator with Live Preview
- Tabs, Accordion
- Popups, Gallery (Lightbox with sharing)
- Headings
- Columns
- Drop Caps
- Form Generator with validation
- Buttons & Icons
- Audio & Video
- Team
- Flexslider
- Testimonial
- Round progress bars
- Alerts, Tooltips, Notes, Progress Bars
- Advanced Vibe Options Panel
- One Click Demo Data install
- Inbuilt VibeOptions Panel Tour
- Unlimited Sidebars
- Select social media icons out of 80 options
- Add Social Sharing in Blog Posts
- Import/Export Settings
- Portfolios
- Unlimited Portfolios
- 2,3,4 column Filterable Portfolio
- Masonry framework
- Infinite Scroll
- 15 Page Template
- Three Post/Page Layouts [Left Sidebar | Right Sidebar | Fullwidth].
- Select Sidebar for the post/page.
- Show/Hide Subheader/Titles,breadcrumbs & post author .
- Form Generator
- Enter TO emails
- Enter email subject
- Generate Unlimited forums.
- Data validation
- Supports Text, Textarea, Select options.
- Multifunctional Popups
- Add any Dynamic Content available on Click or on Page Load.
- Attach any Form/Slider/Content in popup.
- 5 Custom Widgets
- Vibe Advanced Twitter Feed Widget
- VibeCom Flickr Feed Widget
- Vibe Instagram Widget
- Vibe Testimonials, shows selected testimonial
- Vibe Gallery, shows responsive gallery.
- CSS3 Animations
- 15+ animation effects
- Effects appear only on load when the element is “visible” on screen
- One Click Auto Update.
- WordPress 3.0 Multi level drop-down menu .
- Translation Ready.
- 80+ Social Media buttons.
- Responsive Audio player for hosted audio files.
- Responsive Gallery.
- HTML5 and CSS3 tableless design .
- 600+ Google Web Fonts with Refresh. (Change elements fonts in the theme settings)
- Retina Ready Gravtars
- Easily adding Google analytics .
- Logo Uploader
- Favicon Uploader
- Unlimited Popups with open on page load function
- Tabs : Horizontal & Vertical
- Full Screen background Video Option .
- Works in all major browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Google Chrome