Text-Slider is a jQuery text animation effect plugin.
Interactive Animated Landscape with JavaScript
Today we are going to explore a playful animated landscape with a psychedelic look. The idea is to show how an experimentation on art and design with a generative process can lead to interesting interactive visuals which can be used in a variety of mediums like web, print, illustration, VJing, installations, games and many others. We made 3 variants of the landscape to show you how small changes in parameters can change a lot in visuals.
The demos are made with three.js and the animations and colors are controlled in a custom GLSL shader. For the letter animations we are using TweenMax.
melonJS : A fresh & lightweight HTML5 Game Engine
melonJS is an open source HTML5 game engine that empowers developers and designers to focus on content.The framework provides a collection of composable entities and support for a number of third-party tools.
- A fresh & lightweight 2D sprite-based engine
- Standalone library (does not rely on anything else, except a HTML5 capable browser)
- Compatible with most major browsers (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE) and mobile devices
- Device motion & accelerometer support
- High DPI & auto scaling
- Multi-channel HTML5 audio support and Web Audio on supported devices
- Lightweight physics implementation to ensure low cpu requirements
- Polygon (SAT) based collision algorithm for accurate detection and response
- Fast Broad-phase collision detection using spatial partitioning
- 3rd party tools support for physic body definition (PhysicEditor, Physic Body Editor)
- Advanced math API for Vector and Matrix
- Tween Effects
- Transition effects
Ambient Canvas Backgrounds with HTML5 Canvas API
Today we’ll be exploring some ambient webpage background animations. The idea here was to create a collection of animations that are interesting to look at without being (too) distractive, and could be easily applied to the background of a webpage. Each animation is created using vanilla (es6+) JavaScript with the Canvas API.
Audio Recorder Polyfill
MediaRecorder polyfill to record audio in Edge and Safari 11.
- Spec compatible. In the future when all browsers will support MediaRecorder, you will just remove polyfill.
- Small. 1 KB (minified and gzipped). No dependencies. It uses Size Limit to control size.
- One file. In contrast to other recorders, this polyfill uses “inline worker” and don’t need a separated file for Web Worker.