Best jQuery Shopping Cart Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Product Builder with CSS and jQuery

    Product Builder with CSS and jQuery

    A customizable and responsive product builder for your online store.Product builders are useful shopping tools, that allow potential customers to “build” an ideal version of a product by combining different options. At the end of this process the user is generally given an action to perform: save the build, share it or buy the product directly.

    Add to Cart Interaction with CSS & jQuery

    Add to Cart Interaction with CSS & jQuery

    A floating cart that slides in when the user decides to buy an item.

    We’re used to different patterns when it comes to the “add to cart” process. The basic idea behind this pattern is to notify the user that an item has been added to the cart, and provide her/him with a link to proceed to the checkout.

    Design Tailor : Complete Product Designer Plugin

    Design Tailor : Complete Product Designer Plugin

    Design Tailor(DT), is built on most advance technology available today and offer extremely flexible way to customize any kind of product online from your browser.For now DT is available for as jQuery plugin for custom web-shop, developers can use or customize the plugin in the way they want, DT comes along with extensive documentation.


    • Ready to use graphics, quotes, icons
    • Easy to use Color Picker/ Palette
    • Replace or shuffle layers, lock layers as like any desktop editor
    • Transformations – Position, Size, Rotation
    • Use Opacity for any text, images or icons
    • Choose from good numbers of available fonts
    • Flexible alignment options
    • Curved Text with easy to use radius, spacing, reverse and color options
    • Upload your own image

    Simple Add To Cart System Using jQuery,Ajax & PHP

    Simple Add To Cart System Using jQuery,Ajax & PHP

    In this tutorial we will create a simple but very Practical and helpful Cart System that you can include in your ecommerce website.Cart System is very important in online shopping websites anything the user wants or wish he can click on a simple button and automatically that item is included in your cart.Cart is like a collection of items that user wants to buy.It has the total record of items the user wants before the final payment.

    OrderNow : Responsive PHP Order Form with jQuery

    OrderNow : Responsive PHP Order Form with jQuery

    PHP Order Form will helps to get project orders from the clients for the people like web developers, corporates and freelancers easily. This form is PayPal integrated and admin functionalities are integrated.


    • Responsive design layout
    • PHP order form with MySql database
    • Multitab features
    • Cross-browser platform
    • Contents are organized in a user-friendly format
    • Admin can manage all contents and order management
    • Mail Templates are available in admin side

    Interactive Room Display with JavaScript & CSS

    Interactive Room Display with JavaScript & CSS

    Today we’d like to share a little experiment based on a Dribbble shot by Bilal Mechairia’s, called “Spaces”. The idea is to show an interactive room with several items that all float in 3D space and move according to the position of the mouse. Once an item is clicked, more details pop up. Navigating between the room “slides” will rotate the different wall sections and add some interesting dynamic to the whole thing.

    Quick Add To Cart in CSS & jQuery

    Quick Add To Cart in CSS & jQuery

    A handy snippet to let users customize a product directly from the products gallery, and add it to the cart.

    jQuery XML Product Showcase & Quote Cart

    jQuery XML Product Showcase & Quote Cart

    JQuery XML Product Showcase & Quote Cart is solutions for those who needs to display products & and get a request for Quote by their customers its powered by jQuery, XML & Bootstrap. Using this product you can list unlimited categories & its products, where buyers can request a quote for those products. One can use this product very easily as customer just need to click on Add for Quote button products goes in cart &anp; then they can submit request for the same, You will get an email with request details. So you can resopond to it.

    addUI Store : jQuery Shopping Cart plugin

    addUI Store : jQuery Shopping Cart plugin

    addUI Store is an easy to use jQuery plugin that adds a fully featured store to any website in minutes. The store plugin is written in pure JavaScript (jQuery). PHP is used to secure the store (validate the items’ costs / cart’s total) and securely process payments.

    Easily create your store using the Store Builder, export the store, upload it to your server and your ready to start selling today.

    jQuery Paypal HTML Shop

    jQuery Paypal HTML Shop

    jQuery Paypal HTML Shop by createIT turns your static website into a working paypal shop in 5 minutes! Every currency type is supported and compatible with PayPal.

    • Seamless paypal integration
    • Add Custom HTML Markup
    • 6 unique design styles
    • Variable products support
    • No PHP required
    • Coffee script files included
    • HTML5 and XHTML strict compatible
    • Cross-browser compatible