Best jQuery Scrolling Effects Plugins & Tutorials with Demo

    Horizontal Smooth Scroll Layouts

    Horizontal Smooth Scroll Layouts

    Some ideas for horizontal smooth scrolling layouts powered by Locomotive Scroll.

    The main concept behind these layouts is to play around with animations that feel and work well for scrolling to the sides. This includes animating images and text depending on the direction we scroll. Moving things up and down for example or skewing them can create a really interesting dynamic effect.

    Scroll Animations for Image Grids

    Scroll Animations for Image Grids

    Some ideas for scroll animations for image grids powered by Locomotive Scroll.

    Stacking Cards Effect with CSS & Intersection Observer API

    Stacking Cards Effect with CSS & Intersection Observer API

    In this tutorial, we will take a look at how to create a stacking cards effect, using the CSS sticky position and the Intersection Observer API.

    Smooth Scrolling Image Effects with CSS & Tweenmax

    Smooth Scrolling Image Effects with CSS & Tweenmax

    A small set of ideas on animating images and other elements while smooth scrolling a page. We’ve made a small set of effects that show how you can apply some interesting transforms to elements like images and text while scrolling the page smoothly.

    Smooth Scrolling with Inner Image Animations to a Web Page

    Smooth Scrolling with Inner Image Animations to a Web Page
    A tutorial on how to add a smooth scrolling effect to a website and also animate the images that enter the viewport.

    Tornis : JavaScript library that Watches and Respond to Browser ViewPort

    Tornis : JavaScript library that Watches and Respond to Browser ViewPort

    Taking its name from the forest watchtowers of Latvia, Tornis is a minimal JavaScript library that watches the state of your browser’s viewport, allowing you to respond whenever something changes.Tornis currently tracks state for:

    • Mouse position
    • Mouse cursor velocity
    • Viewport size
    • Scroll position
    • Scroll velocity

    Scrollpup.js : Scroll Progress Bar with Javascript

    Scrollpup.js : Scroll Progress Bar with Javascript

    Scrollpup.js is responsive and written in pure javascript and it weights around 1kb.

    Smooth Scroll Manager with JavaScript

    Smooth Scroll Manager with JavaScript

    Scroll Manager is utility class that controls smooth scroll and showing some elements by scroll event.

    Horizontal Scrolling with Animated Images

    Horizontal Scrolling with Animated Images

    A horizontal scrolling experiment with animated images made with GSAP’s TimelineMax and ScrollMagic.

    Create Smooth WebGL Transitions on Scroll using Phenomenon

    Create Smooth WebGL Transitions on Scroll using Phenomenon

    A tutorial on how to transition WebGL instances in a smooth way based on the scroll position using three.js and Phenomenon.