imJQMosaic : jQuery plugin creates Mosaic pattern using an image

    imJQMosaic : jQuery plugin creates mosaic pattern using an image

    imJQMosaic is a simple jQuery plugin that creates mosaic pattern using an image.

    This is a pure JavaScript based jQuery plugin. Apart of just creating the mosaic pattern on an image, it also facilitates the user to put menus on top of the mosaic tile(s). Hence, it can be beautifully used as navigation menu. It can also serve as a substitute to the popular Flash based navigations on the home pages of a website or application which unfortunately don’t work on mobile phones not supporting Flash content.

    This plugin is based on the technique of CSS sprites and also uses some of the new features introduced in CSS3. The plugin requires latest browsers that support HTML5 and CSS3. In absence of adequate browser, the plugin gracefully degrades and still works! Ideal behavior of this plugin can be viewed in Safari 4 or Firefox 3.5. But it works with Chrome and IE 8 also.

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