jQuery One Page Navigation Plugin

    jQuery One Page Navigation Plugin

    I am a fan of the one-page sites. I really like the ones that add smooth scrolling and highlight the navigation depending upon which part of the page you have scrolled to..I wanted the page to scroll smoothly when the navigation was clicked, so I used the jQuery ScrollTo plugin. I also wanted the page to automatically highlight the correct navigation section depending upon which section was scrolled to, and that was where I added my custom code.

    Roundabout is a jQuery plugin

    Roundabout is a jQuery plugin

    Roundabout is a jQuery plugin that easily converts unordered lists & other nested HTML structures into entertaining, interactive, turntable-like areas.

    It’s ready-to-go straight out of the box, but if you want to get crazy, Roundabout is highly-customizable with an extensive API that allows for some pretty amazing results.

    CraftMap a jQuery Maps Plugin


    CraftMap (previous MobilyMap) is a lightweight (6KB only), fully configurable jQuery plugin that converts a simple image into a functional map by overlaying dynamic elements on it such as markers.Like Google Maps, you can place your own marker icons and add location information to specific markers with a draggable image interface.

    jQuery ContentHover Plugin

    jQuery ContentHover Plugin

    ContentHover is a small jQuery plugin that helps you show some hidden content on top of an element when the mouse hovers over it. There are options to chose how your hover effect would appear, like fade in or slide in from any direction, you can change the opacity of the overlay etc.

    Create a Windows-like Interface with jQuery UI

    Create a Windows-like Interface with jQuery UI

    In this tutorial, we’ll be learning how to utilize jQuery UI to create a highly-functional user interface without using anything else. By the end, you should be familiar with jQuery UI, some of its components, and basic understanding of jQuery UI customization. Ultimately, we’ll be building a user interface akin to windows, with dialog boxes that are draggable, resizable, minimizable and maximizable.

    Create beautiful slideshows with jQuery Cycle

    Create beautiful slideshows with jQuery Cycle

    These are 3 implementations of a simple slideshow using the jQuery Cycle plugin. Feel free to download and customize them to fit your own “slideshow needs”.

    Tutorial: Getting Started With jQuery Animations

    Tutorial: Getting Started With jQuery Animations

    jQuery. No doubt you have heard about this popular JavaScript library. It has taken the throne of all the JavaScript libraries out there because of its many features and easy syntax. Today, I will show you one of the simpler uses of jQuery: you can animate things. this will be the focus of today’s tutorial.

    GRADIENTER jQuery elements gradient plugin

    GRADIENTER jQuery elements gradient plugin

    I started to work on WordPress theme for blog and I got an idea that every post should have their own background color and that maybe those colors can be in gradient. Since that that’s very boring to do manually, I’ve decide to write jQuery plugin which will do that job.Gradienter is easy to use, and with small effort you can have really interesting color effect on your page.

    jQuery Dialogr a dialog box with extra features

    jQuery Dialogr a dialog box with extra features

    This jQuery plugin is a modified copy of jQuery UI Dialog widget, adding minimize, restore and maximize buttons.

    Artisan JS a javascript Canvas Library

    Artisan JS a javascript Canvas Library

    Artisan JS is an Open Source JavaScript Canvas Library that aims to make in-browser drawing very easy.

    It specifically targets Canvas and supports for layered data, graphics can be layered and flattened when rendered, but the data remains. This means the data can continue to be manipulated after it is rendered.